September: The Month That Was..

It’s curtains close for the month of September as we prepare to usher in October, the tenth month of the year. It is unbelievable how time flies like the wind! It seems like just the other day we were celebrating Christmas, and now, just two months to end the year again. But, the greatest joy in all this is to be grateful for the life we have and appreciate every moment as it passes. It is important that we keep taking opportunities that come our way as we seek to improve and grow our potential continuously.

As September draws to an end, I am forced to look back at some of the significant events that have occurred around me. One of the most significant moments for me this month was the launch of my blog GeneEugene. I started the blog on September 15, and I am pleased with the progress made so far.  My first post was the poem ‘If It Wasn’t For the Rain’, which is one of my best performing posts so far. This was a pivotal moment for me because it marked a beginning of something great in my writing journey. I have always wanted to start a blog but kept postponing the idea. I am joyful I did it in September! I have been able to publish 15 articles so far, including ten poems. I cannot hide my joy looking back at the progress made.

I have been working devotedly since then, trying to produce quality content and to keep my audience growing. I realize that starting a blog is one thing and managing it is another. Consistently generating magnificent content for readers can be a challenge, but I believe it’s one I am up to. Nonetheless, one thing I cannot dispute in my few days of blogging is that it is a learning process. In as much as I have been writing articles since forever, this blog has opened for a whole new dimension for learning new things and sharing my views, opinions, and commentaries through beautifully crafted words.

I could not envisage the reception I have received for some of my poems and articles. I shall forever remain gratified to the first few individuals that followed my blog and took time to read my articles. I am so much indebted. When I first envisioned starting this blog, my initial idea was to write a few articles in oblivion before anyone could take note. Surprisingly, I have had more than 100 visitors and more than 200 views in the space of two weeks, on my 15 articles. These statistics may look like a drop of water in an ocean for seasoned bloggers, but they mean a lot for beginners like me. I look forward to a time when I will laugh at myself for finding these statistics fascinating. Nevertheless, I am enthralled by the fact that you have taken your gracious time to read and follow my blog.

I am in love with poetry. Partly because I am an ardent listener of hip-hop music, especially from the artistic rappers that merge elements of poetry in their messages. Sometimes I get so engrossed in poetry that I feel it momentarily drifts me from the earth. I have been writing poems for myself and for a few friends that loved my writing. This blog has now introduced me to a whole new audience that am proud of.  In as much as I love poetry, I must admit I do love prose, too. The opportunities for expressing oneself in prose are limitless. Hence, I decided for my blog to have both poems and articles that I can express myself through, depending on the message I want to pass across.

I look forward to October with so much hope. Three of my siblings have their birthdays in October, and I would like to wish them a joyous month ahead. And, for all October Babies, I wish you a vitalizing and jubilant celebratory moment as you commemorate your years on this green earth.


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